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Each of these composables helps you build a high-quality and accessible form control component.

Text Fields

Allows users to enter plain text.

Search Fields

Allows users to enter a search query, submit it, or clear it.

Number Fields

Allows users to enter, increment, or decrement a number value with formatting options.


Allows users to toggle between two states.

Radio Buttons

Allows users to select a single item from a group of options.


Allows users to select one or more items from a group of options.

Select Fields

Allows users to display a collapsible list of options that they can search and select one or more items from.

ComboBox Fields

Searchable Text Inputs with a dropdown list of options for quick selection.


Allows users to select one or more values from a range of values.

Hidden Fields

Useful for tokens, IDs, and other values that are only relevant to the server.

Custom Fields

Useful for creating unconventional form controls, or wrapping 3rd party components.


These composables help you build and organize form components with a laser focus on developer experience and form management features.